Psiquiatra Infantil

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Adolescent clinical outcomes for young people with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

Kate Langley; et al
1º de maio de 2012
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is recognised as a common, disabling condition. Little information is available regarding the long-term outcomes for individuals with ADHD in the UK...

A depressão na adolescência

Kátia Cristine Cavalcante Monteiro; Ana Maria Vieira Lage
18 de janeiro de 2010
O presente trabalho relata o fenômeno da depressão na adolescência resgatando uma visão de psicopatologia que discute a teoria psicanalítica e a psiquiatria biológica. Nesta faz-se uso do termo depressão e da promessa de cura através dos ajustes dos déficits neuro-hormonais que as medicações...

Processos de significação no primeiro ano de vida

Kátia de Souza Amorim
19 de janeiro de 2015
Estudos prévios sugerem indícios de significação em bebês, instigando verificar sua ocorrência. Investigou-se o processo por meio de estudos de caso de bebês (5-12 meses), que frequentavam creche...

Attachment security as a mechanism linking foster care placement to improved mental health outcomes in previously institutionalized children

Katie A. McLaughlin, Charles H. Zeanah, Nathan A. Fox, Charles A. Nelson
8 de outubro de 2012
Attachment security as a mechanism linking foster care placement to improved mental health outcomes in previously institutionalized children...

Dissociated Functional Brain Abnormalities of Inhibition in Boys With Pure Conduct Disorder and in Boys With Pure Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Katya Rubia, et al
14 de janeiro de 2013
Inhibitory dysfunction may be a transdiagnostic etiopathophysiology of disruptive behavior disorders. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of inhibitory control has only been investigated in patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), including comorbidity...

Efficacy of a reading and language intervention for children with Down syndrome: a randomized controlled trial

Kelly Burgoyne, et al
8 de outubro de 2012
Efficacy of a reading and language intervention for children with Down syndrome: a randomized controlled trial...

Association of 4-Repeat Allele of the Dopamine D4 Receptor Gene Exon III Polymorphism and Response to Methylphenidate Treatment in Korean ADHD Children

Keun-Ah Cheon; Boong-Nyun Kim; Soo-Churl Cho
1º de abril de 2013
In the present study, we investigated the association between the 4-repeat allele at the dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) gene and the response to treatment with methylphenidate (MPH) in Korean children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)...

Internet addiction: prevalence, discriminant validity and correlates among adolescents in Hong Kong

King-wa Fu; Wincy S. C. Chan; Paul W. C. Wong
1º de maio de 2012
Despite increasing concern over the potential adverse effects of excessive internet use, especially in young people, there is some debate over its definition, magnitude and discriminant validity...

Childhood Psychopathology and Autonomic Dysregulation: Exploring the Links using Heart Rate Variability

Krishnamachari Srinivasan
9 de setembro de 2012
Changes in cardiovascular reactivity have been used as a psychophysiological marker of various emotional states in both children and adults. Recent decades have seen increasing use of heart rate variability as a non-invasive marker of cardiac autonomic function and of central processes involved in...

Prolactin Levels During Long-term Risperidone Treatment in Children and Adolescents: a Cross-sectional Study

Kurt Buhagiar; Joseph R. Cassar
7 de outubro de 2013
Risperidone is a commonly prescribed antipsychotic in children and adolescents with a wide spectrum of mental illnesses. Of all atypical antipsychotics, it has the greatest propensity to induce hyperprolactinaemia. This study assessed the correlation between treatment with risperidone and serum...

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