Psiquiatra Infantil

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Drogas: famílias que protegem e que expõem adolescentes ao risco

Rogério Lessa Horta; Bernardo Lessa Horta; Ricardo Tavares Pinheiro
6 de agosto de 2010
Novos tempos trazem novas configurações familiares e a transformação no exercício dos papéis familiares. Mulheres e homens disputam o mercado de trabalho e estereotipias e papéis definidos em outros tempos perdem espaço (Grzybowski, 2003; Hennigen e Guareschi, 2002; IBGE, 2002)...

Drug use and antisocial behavior among adolescents attending public schools in Brazil

Fernanda Lüdke Nardi
7 de outubro de 2013
Drug use and abuse is a social and public health problem in most countries worldwide, as a result of the several negative effects it may have on people's emotional and physical development...

Duração do sono em adolescentes de diferentes níveis socioeconômicos

Maria Perpeto Socorro Leite Bernardo; Érico Felden Pereira; Fernando Mazzilli Louzada; Vânia D'Almeida
28 de fevereiro de 2010
O objetivo deste estudo é investigar a duração de sono na adolescência em diferentes níveis socioeconômicos...

Dysfunction of orbitofrontal and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices in children and adolescents with high-functioning pervasive developmental disorders

Tetsuji Sawa; et al
3 de fevereiro de 2014
everal lines of evidence suggest that dysfunction of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) contributes to the pathophysiology of pervasive developmental disorders (PDD)...

Dysfunctional family environments and childhood psychopathology: the role of psychiatric comorbidity

Suzielle M. Flores; Giovanni A. Salum; Gisele G. Manfro
20 de outubro de 2014
The study of the association between specific characteristics of family environments and different types of psychopathology may contribute to our understanding of these complex disorders and ultimately inform therapeutics...

Dyslexia and hand preference in secondary school students

Filippos Vlachos; et al
29 de abril de 2014
Research results with regard to handedness and dyslexia have been ambiguous. The present study investigated the relationship between handedness and dyslexia in secondary school students based on genetic...

Early childhood educators’ perceptions of preschoolers' mental health problems: a qualitative analysis

George Giannakopoulos; et al
3 de fevereiro de 2014
Early childhood education services create potentially optimal opportunities to identify and respond effectively to preschoolers' mental health problems...

Early childhood temperament predicts substance use in young adults

A Lahat; et al
3 de junho de 2013
Behavioral inhibition (BI) is an important early childhood marker of risk for later psychiatric problems. The current 20-year prospective, longitudinal study focused on individual differences in this early temperament and adolescent brain function...

Early diagnosis of subependymal giant cell astrocytoma in children with tuberous sclerosis

NABBOUT, R.; et al
12 de agosto de 2013
Intraventricular astrocytomas (subependymal giant cell astrocytomas) of tuberous sclerosis have a poor prognosis due to the obstruction of CSF flow...

East Asian Archives of Psychiatry, Volume 22, Number 03, September 2012

The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists
8 de outubro de 2012
East Asian Archives of Psychiatry, Volume 22, Number 03, September 2012...

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