Psiquiatra Infantil

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Evaluation of body representation in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy: toward the development of a neuropsychological test battery

Patrícia L. B. Fontes; Ricardo Moura; Vitor Geraldi Haase
20 de outubro de 2014
Clinical observations indicate that many children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (HCP) exhibit a lack of use or disregard of the affected upper limb. The aim of the present study was to develop, adapt, and verify the psychometric properties of a neuropsychological battery to assess body perception a...

Evidence of oxidative damage and inflammation associated with low glutathione redox status in the autism brain

S. Rose; et al
3 de junho de 2012
Despite increasing evidence of oxidative stress in the pathophysiology of autism, most studies have not evaluated biomarkers within specific brain regions, and the functional consequences of oxidative stress remain relatively understudied...

Evidence that self-affirmation reduces body dissatisfaction by basing self-esteem on domains other than body weight and shape

Christopher J. Armitage
8 de outubro de 2012
Evidence that self-affirmation reduces body dissatisfaction by basing self-esteem on domains other than body weight and shape...

Evidências de validade e consistência interna de tarefas de analogia gramatical

Márcia Maria Peruzzi Elia da Mota, Acácia Aparecida Angeli dos Santos, Silvia Brilhante Guimarães
16 de maio de 2016
O presente estudo investigou a validade de duas tarefas de analogia gramatical, focando nos morfemas derivacionais e flexionais. Participaram da pesquisa 217 crianças de escolas públicas matriculadas no segundo, terceiro e quarto ano do ensino fundamental. As crianças responderam a uma tarefa de...

Examining the Comorbidity of Bipolar Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Large Controlled Analysis of Phenotypic and Familial Correlates in a Referred Population of Youth With Bipolar I Disorder With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorders

Gagan Joshi; et al
19 de março de 2014
Both autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and pediatric bipolar disorder are severely impairing chronic conditions...

Examining the Proposed Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder Diagnosis in Children in the Longitudinal Assessment of Manic Symptoms Study

David Axelson; et al
19 de março de 2014
To examine the proposed disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) diagnosis in a child psychiatric outpatient population. Evaluation of DMDD included 4 domains: clinical phenomenology, delimitation from other diagnoses, longitudinal stability, and association with parental psychiatric disorders...

Executive Function in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Preeti Sinha, Rajesh Sagar, Manju Mehta
9 de setembro de 2012
Aim: To assess executive functions in medication naïve children with attention deficit/hyperactivity (ADHD)...

Executive functioning in children with specific language impairment

Lucy A. Henry, David J. Messer, Gilly Nash
8 de outubro de 2012
Executive functioning in children with specific language impairment...

Executive functions in late childhood: age differences among groups

Janice R. Pureza; et al
29 de abril de 2014
Executive functions (EF) have been a major focus of interest in neuropsychology. However, there are few studies about their development in healthy children...

Existe também uma psiquiatria pós-moderna?

Luís G. Streb
21 de junho de 2007
Elemento característico central da Era Moderna, o Iluminismo lançou idéias, propostas e correntes de pensamento que transformaram a mentalidade ocidental. A filosofia do Iluminismo orientou a organização da ciência moderna, especialmente das ciências naturais, como física, química, biologia, e a Med...

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