Psiquiatra Infantil

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A personality-based intervention moderately reduces risk of drinking in at-risk 13–14-year-old British school children

O'Leary-Barrett M, Mackie CJ, Castellanos-Ryan N, et al;
23 de novembro de 2013
Can personality-targeted interventions delivered by teachers delay the uptake of drinking and reduce risk of alcohol-related problems?...

A possible correlation between vestibular stimulation and auditory comprehension in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Sajad Haghshenas; Motahare S. Hosseini; Azin S. Aminjan
20 de outubro de 2014
Twenty children, aged 10 to 12 years with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), were selected to study the effect of vestibular stimulation on auditory perception and sensitivity using the Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test...

A preliminary investigation on the relationship between virtues and pathological internet use among Chinese adolescents

Yonghong Zhang; et al
3 de junho de 2014
Pathological Internet Use (PIU) has become a global issue associated with the increasing number of Internet users...

A preliminary open trial of olanzapine in paediatric acute and transient psychotic disorders

Vivek Agarwal, Prabhat Sitholey
12 de outubro de 2010
Acute and transient psychotic disorders (ATPD) have been characterized by the development of florid psychotic symptoms within 2 weeks and complete remission of symptoms. Although there are no definite guidelines, these are usually treated by antipsychotic medication...


Rafael Medawar
28 de outubro de 2007
Ao longo do século XX poucas áreas foram tão estudadas quanto a da saúde. O aumento do volume de informações, do número de profissionais e dos problemas cientificamente identificados culminaram na necessidade de especialização dos médicos e no desenvolvimento de ciências como odontologia, fisioterap...

A Prospective Study of Parentally Bereaved Youth, Caregiver Depression, and Body Mass Index

Rebecca J. Weinberg; et al
19 de março de 2014
Approximately 4% of US children (2.5 million) will experience the death of one of their parents by the age of 18 years...


Melanie Mendoza
15 de outubro de 2007
Karl Jaspers é freqüentemente evocado como paradigma da psiquiatria e psicopatologia no Século XX. Seu tratado de medicina e filosofia, “Psicopatologia Geral”, publicado pela primeira vez em 1913, utiliza a fenomenologia de Husserl e a psicologia compreensiva como as bases seguras para compreensão...

A randomised controlled trial of bumetanide in the treatment of autism in children

E Lemonnier; et al
3 de junho de 2013
Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)-mediated synapses and the oscillations they orchestrate are altered in autism. GABA-acting benzodiazepines exert in some patients with autism paradoxical effects, raising the possibility...

A Randomized Controlled Trial Investigating the Safety and Efficacy of Aripiprazole in the Long-Term Maintenance Treatment of Pediatric Patients With Irritability Associated With Autistic Disorder

Robert L. Findling; et al
19 de março de 2014
Autistic disorder is characterized by impairments in social interactions and communication of varying severity, and is accompanied by repetitive, restricted, and stereotyped patterns of behavior...

A randomized controlled trial of preschool-based joint attention intervention for children with autism

Anett Kaale, Lars Smith, Eili Sponheim
8 de outubro de 2012
A randomized controlled trial of preschool-based joint attention intervention for children with autism...

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