Psiquiatra Infantil

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Meningoencefalocele transesfenoidal transpalatina

Marcílio Monteiro; et al
23 de março de 2010
A meningoencefalocele transesfenoidal é rara apresentação dos disrafismos do tubo neural. Caracteriza-se pela herniação do tecido neural através de uma falha óssea no osso esfenóide. A apresentação clínica é variável, podendo ser desde assintomática até obstrução das vias aéreas, rinorréia...

Menor performance das funções executivas prediz maior consumo de álcool e tabaco em adolescentes

Ricardo Luís de Aguiar Assis, Bruno Terra Junho, Valdir Ribeiro Campos
19 de abril de 2022
Objetivo: O estudo propôs-se a avaliar diferentes domínios das funções executivas em adolescentes como preditores ao uso de álcool e cigarro...

Mental health and quality of life in pre- and early adolescents: a school-based study in two contrasting urban areas

Giulietta Cucchiaro; Paulo Dalgalarrondo
24 de maio de 2010
Studies on the prevalence of mental disorders and quality of life (QOL) of pre- and early adolescents in Brazil are relatively scarce. After a pioneering epidemiological study done in the 1980s, using a screening instrument, which found the prevalence of 23.4% of behavior problems in 829 children...

Mental health of children and adolescents with epilepsy: analysis of clinical and neuropsichological aspects

Fernanda de Souza Moreira; et al
20 de outubro de 2014
Epilepsy compromises the development of cognitive and social skills and represents a risk of psychiatric comorbidity...

Metabolic effects of sapropterin treatment in autism spectrum disorder: a preliminary study

R E Frye; et al
3 de junho de 2013
Sapropterin, a synthetic form of tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), has been reported to improve symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorder...

Metas de realização entre estudantes do ensino médio: evidências de validade fatorial e consistência interna de uma medida

Valdiney V. Gouveia; et al
4 de março de 2015
O presente estudo teve como objetivo principal conhecer evidências de validade fatorial e consistência interna do Questionário de Metas de Realização para o contexto brasileiro. Complementarmente, procurou avaliar em que medida as pontuações nesse instrumento se correlacionam com indicadores de...

Methylphenidate and Its Under-recognized, Under-explained, and Serious Drug Interactions: A Review of the Literature with Heightened Concerns

Robert M. Nevels; et al
7 de outubro de 2013
Methylphenidate arguably is the most successful psychiatric medication in history. Response rates in some studies are as high as 78%, and, despite opposition to medicating children with psychostimulants, the use of methylphenidate in the treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder...

Millenial Literature on Adolescents and Eating Disorders: An Annotated Bibliography

Christy Valentine
19 de março de 2014
This annotated bibliography was developed for professionals, students, and the general public in an effort to ascertain the prevalence and impact of eating disorders in adolescents. Items researched for this bibliography were cited in electronic article and book indexes...

Mindfulness-based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with Emotionally disturbed Adolescents affected by HIV/AIDS

Uday K. Sinha, Deepak Kumar
9 de setembro de 2012
Mindfulness-based approaches have been shown to be useful in a variety of physical and mental health conditions including chronic pain, cancer, psoriasis, eating disorders, anxiety and depression. Mindfulness based CBT finds its origins in Eastern Buddhist meditation which began many cent...

Minor physical anomalies in Tourette syndrome

Györgyi Csábi; Júlia Gádoros; Sára Jeges; Eszter Gyenge; Mátyás Trixler; Tamás Tényi
10 de janeiro de 2011
The prevalence of minor physical anomalies (prenatal errors of morphogenesis) was evaluated in patients with Tourette syndrome to get indirect data on the possible role of aberrant neurodevelopment in the aetiology of Tourette syndrome. No published study is known on the minor physical anomaly...

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