Psiquiatra Infantil

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Sistema de Notificação e Monitoramento Psiquiátrico

Francisco Assis de Sousa Lima M.D.; Mauro B. Naves M.D.; Júlia M. C. Motta; José Carlos V. Di Migueli M.D. ; Glacus de Souza Brito e Cols
3 de novembro de 2008
Sistema de Notificação e Monitoramento Psiquiátrico ...

Sistema Personalizado de Ensino, Educação à Distância e aprendizagem centrada no aluno

João Claudio Todorov; Márcio Borges Moreira; Ricardo Corrêa Martone
4 de março de 2015
O Sistema Personalizado de Ensino (PSI), amplamente utilizado nos anos 1970, e a Educação à Distância (EAD) são duas metodologias de ensino que rompem com modelos tradicionais de educação, nos quais o centro crítico de transmissão de informação é o professor...

Sleep disorders in high school and pre-university students

Célia R. S. Rocha; Sueli Rossini; Rubens Reimão
16 de fevereiro de 2011
Adolescence is a period in which youngsters have to make choices such as applying for university. The selection process is competitive, and it brings distress and anxiety, risk factors for the appearance of sleep disorders...

Sleep patterns and habits in high school students in Iran

Ahmad Ghanizadeh; et al
3 de fevereiro de 2014
Sleep patterns and habits in high school students in Iran have not been well studied to date. This paper aims to re-address this balance and analyse sleep patterns and habits in Iranian children of high school age...

Sleep terrors antecedent is common in adolescents with migraine

Libânia Melo Nunes Fialho; et al
5 de maio de 2013
Migraines and sleep terrors (STs) are highly prevalent disorders with striking similarities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the antecedent of STs by comparing adolescents suffering from migraines with healthy controls in a large consecutive series...

Sobre la necesidad de crear la especialidad de psiquiatría infantil en España

Encarnación Mollejo Aparicio
18 de janeiro de 2010
En la historia de las especialidades médicas la psiquiatría es una de las más jóvenes, pero en la actualidad la atención a la población adulta ha alcanzado un aceptable desarrollo en el ámbito ambulatorio y hospitalario así como otros recursos intermedios...

Social communication deficits in disruptive primary-school children

R. Donno; et al
1º de maio de 2012
Parent and teacher data, from questionnaire surveys, suggest that school-identified disruptive children often have pragmatic language deficits of an autistic type...

Social network media exposure and adolescent eating pathology in Fiji

Anne E. Becker; et al
1º de maio de 2012
Mass media exposure has been associated with an increased risk of eating pathology. It is unknown whether indirect media exposure – such as the proliferation of media exposure in an individual’s social network – is also associated with eating disorders...

Social skills of adolescents: convergent validity between IHSA-Del-Prette and MESSY

Zilda Aparecida Pereira Del Prette, Maycoln Teodoro, Almir Del Prette
15 de maio de 2016
This research investigates the evidence demonstrating the reliability and convergent validity between the Social Skills Inventory for Adolescents and the Matson Evaluation of Social Skills with Youngsters in two groups: the first with 136 adolescents from a public school (89 females and 47 males...

Socioeconomic influences on alcohol use patterns among private school students in São Paulo

Danilo Locatelli; et al
2 de julho de 2012
The consumption of alcoholic drinks by teenagers is a behavior common to different cultures and countries. A study performed in European countries showed that more than 82% of students aged 15 and 16 years old reported using alcohol at least once during the previous year...

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