Psiquiatra Infantil

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Adjunctive Divalproex Versus Placebo for Children With ADHD and Aggression Refractory to Stimulant Monotherapy

Joseph C. Blader; Nina R. Schooler; Peter S. Jensen; Steven R. Pliszka; Vivian Kafantaris
14 de janeiro de 2013
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of divalproex for reducing aggressive behavior among children 6 to 13 years old with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and a disruptive disorder whose chronic aggression was underresponsive to a prospective psychostimulant...

The Role of Histamine Degradation Gene Polymorphisms in Moderating the Effects of Food Additives on Children's ADHD Symptoms

Jim Stevenson, et al
14 de janeiro de 2013
Food additives can exacerbate ADHD symptoms and cause non-immunoglobulin E-dependent histamine release from circulating basophils. However, children vary in the extent to which their ADHD symptoms are exacerbated by the ingestion of food additives. The authors hypothesized that genetic polymorphisms...

Basal Ganglia Surface Morphology and the Effects of Stimulant Medications in Youth With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Loren J. Sobel, et al
14 de janeiro de 2013
Disturbances in the basal ganglia portions of cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuits likely contribute to the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)...

Psychiatric Disorders in Preschoolers: Continuity From Ages 3 to 6

Sara J. Bufferd, et al
14 de janeiro de 2013
Recent studies indicate that many preschoolers meet diagnostic criteria for psychiatric disorders. However, data on the continuity of these diagnoses are limited, particularly from studies examining a broad range of disorders in community samples. Such studies are necessary to elucidate the validity...

Cortical Development in Typically Developing Children With Symptoms of Hyperactivity and Impulsivity: Support for a Dimensional View of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Philip Shaw, et al
14 de janeiro de 2013
There is considerable epidemiological and neuropsychological evidence that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is best considered dimensionally, lying at the extreme end of a continuous distribution of symptoms and underlying cognitive impairments. The authors investigated whether...

Childhood Trajectories of Inattention and Hyperactivity and Prediction of Educational Attainment in Early Adulthood: A 16-Year Longitudinal Population-Based Study

Jean-Baptiste Pingault, et al
14 de janeiro de 2013
This longitudinal study of 2,000 children revealed that inattention, but not hyperactivity, is related to whether children graduate from high school....

Deficient Emotional Self-Regulation and Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Family Risk Analysis

Craig B.H. Surman, et al
14 de janeiro de 2013
A growing body of research suggests that deficient emotional self-regulation (DESR) is prevalent and morbid among patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Family studies provide a method of clarifying the co-occurrence of clinical features, but no family studies have yet...

Investigating the Contribution of Common Genetic Variants to the Risk and Pathogenesis of ADHD

Evangelia Stergiakouli, et al
14 de janeiro de 2013
A major motivation for seeking disease-associated genetic variation is to identify novel risk processes. Although rare copy number variants (CNVs) appear to contribute to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), common risk variants (single-nucleotide polymorphisms [SNPs]) have not yet been...

Patología Cerebrovascular en el niñ

Miguel Blanco, Silvina Rafia, Ignacio Pascual-Castroviejo
15 de dezembro de 2012
La etiología de la enfermedad cerebrovascular en la infancia permanece poco clara hasta en un 40% de los casos. Nosotros nos proponemos hacer una revisión de las causas más frecuentes de la misma. Consideramos los neonatos como un grupo separado debido a la idiosincrasia de esta etapa de la vida...

Meningitis bacteriana aguda

M. Rodríguez
15 de dezembro de 2012
Meningitis bacteriana aguda...

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