Psiquiatra Infantil

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Brief motivational interview and educational brochure in emergency room settings for adolescents and young adults with alcohol related problems: a randomized single blind clinical trial

Maria Luiza Segatto; Solange Andreoni; Rebeca de Souza e Silva; Alessandra Diehl; Ilana Pinsky
1º de julho de 2011
Scientific evidence supports that Emergency Room (ER) is an important site for identifying individuals with alcohol related problems and to initiate an intervention...

Exposure to violence in incarcerated youth from the city of São Paulo

Susan Huculak; John D. McLennan; Isabel A. S. Bordin
1º de julho de 2011
This study aimed to determine the extent of exposure to community violence among delinquent Brazilian youth in the 12-month period prior to their incarceration and to identify factors associated with this exposure...

European clinical guidelines for Tourette syndrome and other tic disorders. Part II: pharmacological treatment

Veit Roessner; et al.
21 de maio de 2011
To develop a European guideline on pharmacologic treatment of Tourette syndrome (TS) the available literature was thoroughly screened and extensively discussed by a working group of the European Society for the Study of Tourette syndrome (ESSTS). Although there are many more studies...

European clinical guidelines for Tourette Syndrome and other tic disorders. Part I: assessment

Danielle C. Cath; et al.
21 de maio de 2011
A working group of the European Society for the Study of Tourette Syndrome (ESSTS) has developed the first European assessment guidelines of Tourette Syndrome (TS). The available literature including national guidelines was thoroughly screened and extensively discussed in the expert group of ESSTS...

Teacher reports of hypoactivity symptoms reflect slow cognitive processing speed in primary school children

Astri J. Lundervold; Maj-Britt Posserud; Anne-Karin Ullebø; Lin Sørensen; Christopher Gillberg
21 de maio de 2011
The mediating effect of cognitive processing speed on the ability of a primary school child to achieve his/her full potential of intellectual functioning emphasizes the importance of methods to detect “slow” children. Primary school teachers may be the first to have concerns about inattentive pupils...

Open-label study comparing the efficacy and tolerability of aripiprazole and haloperidol in the treatment of pediatric tic disorders

Hanik K. Yoo; et al.
21 de maio de 2011
Due to its unique pharmacodynamic properties of dopamine partial agonist activity, and its association with few and mild side effects, aripiprazole is a candidate atypical antipsychotic for patients with tic disorders. This open-label study compared the efficacy and tolerability of aripiprazole...

Prenatal and postnatal psychological symptoms of parents and family functioning: the impact on child emotional and behavioural problems

Henning Tiemeier; et al.
21 de maio de 2011
Although relations of various parental psychological problems and family functioning with child development are well documented, it remains unclear whether specific prenatal or specific postnatal risk factors are independently associated with child emotional and behavioural problems...

Substance use by adolescents in special education and residential youth care institutions

Annelies Kepper; Karin Monshouwer; Saskia van Dorsselaer; Wilma Vollebergh
21 de maio de 2011
This study examined substance use rates and related background factors among adolescents in special education (SE) and in residential youth care institutions (RYC). Information on substance use from 531 adolescents in RYC, 603 adolescents in SE for students with behavioral problems (SEB)...

The parallel development of ODD and CD symptoms from early childhood to adolescence

Sofia Diamantopoulou; Frank C. Verhulst; Jan van der Ende
21 de maio de 2011
This study examined the developmental relations between symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct disorder (CD) from early childhood to adolescence. Specifically we tested, according to parent-reported problems, whether symptoms of ODD precede the development of CD symptoms...

Prevalência e características de escolares vítimas de bullying

Danilo Rolim de Moura; Ana Catarina Nova Cruz; Luciana de Ávila Quevedo
16 de abril de 2011
O bullying é uma prática encontrada em todas as culturas e acarreta sofrimento psíquico, diminuição da autoestima, isolamento, prejuízos no aprendizado e no desempenho acadêmico. Estudos descrevem intervenções bem sucedidas, baseadas em ações multidisciplinares que envolvem os vários níveis...

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