Psiquiatra Infantil

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Alcohol, drugs, and risky sexual behavior are related to HIV infection in female adolescents

Ana Margareth Siqueira Bassols; Raquel de Boni; Flávio Pechansky
16 de fevereiro de 2011
Since the identification of the first case of AIDS in Brazil, in 1980, about 474,000 cases of the disease were identified in the country until June, 2007. In Brazil, AIDS has been characterized as sub-epidemic, strongly affecting injecting drug users (IDU) and men who have sex with men...

Management of supratentorial epidural hematoma in children: report on 49 patients

Wellingson Silva Paiva; et al.
16 de fevereiro de 2011
Traumatic head injury is a common cause of mortality and acquired neurological impairment in children. However, pediatric epidural hematomas (EDHs) are not common and few series have studied the evolution of these patients. In this study, we present the results from a sample of patients with EDH...

Clinical evaluation of children testing positive in screening tests for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A preliminary report

Maria Skounti, Katerina Mpitzaraki, Anastas Philalithis, Emmanouil Galanakis
10 de janeiro de 2011
Screening tests are of great diagnostic value in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), however final diagnosis relies on a clinical examination by an expert. The objective of the present study was to clinically evaluate children who had been screened positive for ADHD through both...

Self-rated health, psychosocial functioning, and other dimensions of adolescent health in Central and Eastern European adolescents

Randy M. Page, Jaromir Simonek, Ferenc Ihász, Iacob Hantiu, Martina Uvacsek, Irén Kalabiska, Renata Klarova
10 de janeiro de 2011
Although studied extensively among adults, self-rated health (SRH) has not received the same research attention among adolescents. It has been suggested that SRH in adolescents may be a function of adolescents' overall sense of functioning and may reflect psychosocial functioning more so than...

Minor physical anomalies in Tourette syndrome

Györgyi Csábi; Júlia Gádoros; Sára Jeges; Eszter Gyenge; Mátyás Trixler; Tamás Tényi
10 de janeiro de 2011
The prevalence of minor physical anomalies (prenatal errors of morphogenesis) was evaluated in patients with Tourette syndrome to get indirect data on the possible role of aberrant neurodevelopment in the aetiology of Tourette syndrome. No published study is known on the minor physical anomaly...

The role of Personality, Mood, Subjective Health, and Stress in Depressive Symptoms among High School Students

K. Gunnar Götestam; Sven Svebak; Eva Naper Jensen
10 de janeiro de 2011
Traditionally, depression among adolescents has been considered uncommon, with around 5% estimated to suffer from depressive disorder...

Revisão sistemática para estudar a eficácia de terapia cognitivo-comportamental para crianças e adolescentes abusadas sexualmente com transtorno de estresse pós-traumático

Cristiane de Medeiros Passarela; Deise Daniela Mendes; Jair de Jesus Mari
10 de janeiro de 2011
O transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT), uma das possíveis consequências de abuso sexual de crianças e adolescentes, pode ser encontrado em aproximadamente 40% a 50% dos casos...

A evolução histórica dos conceitos de transtorno de humor e transtorno de personalidade: problemas no diagnóstico diferencial

Rodolfo Nunes Campos; João Alberto de Oliveira Campos; Marsal Sanches
10 de janeiro de 2011
Os conceitos de transtornos de humor e de personalidade sofreram diversas mudanças nas últimas décadas. Historicamente, esses conceitos foram construídos em paralelo, isto é, transtornos de humor e personalidade são considerados como transtornos independentes em relação ao diagnóstico...

Impacto das intervenções familiares na saúde

Russel Crane; Triston B. Morgan
8 de dezembro de 2010
A terapia familiar é relativamente recente no campo do tratamento da doença mental. O trabalho pioneiro com famílias de doentes esquizofrênicos nos anos 40 e 50 iniciou o movimento, e desde então o número de praticantes desta forma de psicoterapia tem vindo a crescer em todo o mundo...

The Efficacy and Effectiveness of Family Therapy: A Summary and Progress Report

Russel Crane; Triston B. Morgan
8 de dezembro de 2010
This paper provides a summary of efficacy and effectiveness research for family therapy. Section one review efficacy studies for a number of mental health problems and concerns including conduct disorder, substance abuse, depression and a number of other mental health problems...

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