Psiquiatra Infantil

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Adolescência através dos séculos

Teresa Helena Schoen-Ferreira; Maria Aznar-Farias; Edwiges Ferreira de Mattos Silvares
19 de janeiro de 2015
A sociedade contemporânea ocidental estendeu o período da adolescência, que não é mais encarada apenas como uma preparação para a vida adulta, mas passou a adquirir sentido em si mesma, como um estágio do ciclo vital...

Dysfunction of orbitofrontal and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices in children and adolescents with high-functioning pervasive developmental disorders

Tetsuji Sawa; et al
3 de fevereiro de 2014
everal lines of evidence suggest that dysfunction of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) contributes to the pathophysiology of pervasive developmental disorders (PDD)...

Condições experimentais facilitadoras para a aprendizagem de discriminação por bebês

Thais Porlan de Oliveira; Maria Stella C. de Alcântara Gil
4 de março de 2015
A investigação sobre a aprendizagem de discriminações simples e condicionais por bebês requer um planejamento experimental com variáveis e características da situação apropriadas às peculiaridades da população...

East Asian Archives of Psychiatry, Volume 22, Number 03, September 2012

The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists
8 de outubro de 2012
East Asian Archives of Psychiatry, Volume 22, Number 03, September 2012...

Foco, atenção sustentada e vigilância: dimensões atencionais afetadas em adolescentes com TDAH

Thiago Strahler Rivero; Monica Carolina Miranda; Orlando Francisco Amodeo Bueno
14 de julho de 2013
presente estudo realizou uma análise estatística comparativa entre adolescentes com e sem Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) no Conners 'Continuous Performance Test (CCPT)...

Annual Research Review: The neuroinflammation hypothesis for stress and psychopathology in children – developmental psychoneuroimmunology

Thomas G. O'Connor; Jan A. Moynihan; Mary T. Caserta
2 de junho de 2014
Experimental animal and adult human data suggest that stress exposure is associated with alterations in immune system function that may underlie increased susceptibility to disease and behavioral disorders...

School Shootings and the Death of Common Sense

Thomas Szasz
19 de março de 2014
Fifty years ago in America, there were children, there were schools and there were guns. But there were no...

Psychopathy traits in adolescents with childhood attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

Tom Fowler; et al
2 de julho de 2012
Children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are thought to be at higher risk of psychopathy. Early biological and social adversity may contribute to this risk...

The change and the mediating role of parental emotional reactions and depression in the treatment of traumatized youth: results from a randomized controlled study

Tonje Holt1; Tine K Jensen; Tore Wentzel-Larsen
3 de junho de 2014
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) has been shown to efficiently treat children and youth exposed to traumatizing events...

Mindfulness-based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with Emotionally disturbed Adolescents affected by HIV/AIDS

Uday K. Sinha, Deepak Kumar
9 de setembro de 2012
Mindfulness-based approaches have been shown to be useful in a variety of physical and mental health conditions including chronic pain, cancer, psoriasis, eating disorders, anxiety and depression. Mindfulness based CBT finds its origins in Eastern Buddhist meditation which began many cent...

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