Uso de álcool e drogas e contextos sociais da violênciaRubens de Camargo Ferreira Adorno3 de janeiro de 2014 |
A importância da família na prevenção do uso de drogas entre crianças e adolescentes: papel maternoElias Barbosa de Oliveira, Leilane Porto Bittencourt, Aila Coelho do Carmo3 de janeiro de 2014 |
About 7% of 4-year-olds in Norway meet criteria for a psychiatric diagnosisWichstrøm L, Berg-Nielsen TS, Angold A, et al;23 de novembro de 2013 |
Multisystemic therapy reduces re-offending in young offenders between 12 and 18 months post-treatmentButler S, Baruch G, Hickey N, et al23 de novembro de 2013 |
Childhood and young adult-onset depression are associated with similar psychosocial risk factorsShanahan L, Copeland WE, Costello EJ, et al;23 de novembro de 2013 |
Childhood adversity and certain mental health disorders are associated with increased risk of incident drug use among adultsHarrington M, Robinson J, Bolton SL, et al;23 de novembro de 2013 |
Only 10% of people with schizophrenia show sustained improvements over 3 yearsCuyún Carter GB, Milton DR, Ascher-Svanum H, et al;23 de novembro de 2013 |
Suicidal behaviours are common among US adolescents and are associated with mental health disordersNock MK, Green JG, Hwang I, et al;23 de novembro de 2013 |
Review: possible benefits from early intensive behavioural and developmental interventions in children with autism spectrum disorders, but more research neededWarren Z, McPheeters ML, Sathe N, et al;23 de novembro de 2013 |
Childhood psychopathology at age 8 predicts antidepressant use by age 24Gyllenberg D, Sourander A, Niemelä S, et al;23 de novembro de 2013 |