Psiquiatra Infantil

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Teacher reports of hypoactivity symptoms reflect slow cognitive processing speed in primary school children

Astri J. Lundervold; Maj-Britt Posserud; Anne-Karin Ullebø; Lin Sørensen; Christopher Gillberg
21 de maio de 2011
The mediating effect of cognitive processing speed on the ability of a primary school child to achieve his/her full potential of intellectual functioning emphasizes the importance of methods to detect “slow” children. Primary school teachers may be the first to have concerns about inattentive pupils...

Are anxiety disorders associated with a more severe form of bipolar disorder in adolescents?

Aswin Ratheesh; et al
7 de outubro de 2013
Anxiety disorders are common among children and adolescents with bipolar disorder. Among adults, anxiety disorder comorbidity is associated with a more severe form of bipolar disorder and a poorer outcome. There is limited data on the effect of comorbid anxiety disorder on bipolar disorder among...

The Family as Partner in Child Mental Health Care: Problem Perceptions and Challenges to Collaboration

Atle Ødegård , Stål Bjørkly
5 de agosto de 2012
The Family as Partner in Child Mental Health Care: Problem Perceptions and Challenges to Collaboration...

A two-year perspective: who may ease the burden of girls’ loneliness in school?

Audhild Løhre; Marianne N Kvande; Odin Hjemdal; Monica Lillefjell
3 de junho de 2014
Loneliness is negatively related to good health and wellbeing, especially among girls. There is little research, however, on factors that may ease the burdens of loneliness in the school setting...

Obstinación terapéutica

Aurora Medina–Sansón; María José Adame–Vivanco; Adriana Scherer–Ibarra
5 de março de 2012
En algún momento de la práctica médica es posible que el pediatra se enfrente al paciente cuya muerte es inevitable. Cuando esto ocurre en un niño, la situación es particularmente difícil de aceptar y no es raro que el médico opte por lo que se ha llamado obstinación terapéutica o distanasia...

Haplotype structure enables prioritization of common markers and candidate genes in autism spectrum disorder

B N Vardarajan; et al
3 de junho de 2013
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that results in behavioral, social and communication impairments...

Implantação e implementação de serviços de saúde mental comunitários para crianças e adolescentes

Bacy W. Fleitlich; Robert Goodman
10 de setembro de 2009
Os transtornos mentais infantis mais comuns incluem os transtornos de conduta, os transtornos de atenção e hiperatividade e os transtornos emocionais. Esses transtornos são importantes, porque resultam em sofrimento aos jovens e àqueles com quem convivem e, também, porque interferem no desenvolvimen...

Psychometric properties of assessment instruments for autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review of Brazilian studies

Bárbara Backes; et al
11 de agosto de 2015
To systematically review the scientific literature on the psychometric properties of international instruments for the assessment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the Brazilian population...

Tourette's syndrome and associated disorders: a systematic review

Bárbara R. Ferreira; J. L. Pio-Abreu; Cristina Januário
20 de outubro de 2014
Tourette's syndrome (TS) is a developmental neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by multiple, brief, recurrent, nonrhythmic movements and one or more vocalizations called tics...

Translation and adaptation of the Child Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory (cPTCI) to Brazilian Portuguese

Beatriz de Oliveira Meneguelo Lobo; et al
21 de outubro de 2014
Experiencing a traumatic event is a risk factor for the development of mental illness, especially posttraumatic stress disorder. A child's appraisals of a traumatic event may play a prominent role in the development or maintenance of the disorder...

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