Psiquiatra Infantil

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Pré-adolescentes em psicoterapia: capacidade de mentalização e divórcio altamente conflitivo dos pais

Patrícia Coral Viegas; Vera Regina Röhnelt Ramires
14 de julho de 2013
O foco deste estudo foi a capacidade de mentalização de pré-adolescentes, no contexto dos rompimentos de vínculos resultantes da separação conjugal altamente conflitiva, bem como a possibilidade de desenvolvimento da capacidade de mentalização no processo terapêutico...

Predicting aggression in children with ADHD

Elif Ercan; et al
2 de junho de 2014
The present study uses structural equation modeling of latent traits to examine the extent to which family factors, cognitive factors and perceptions of rejection in mother-child relations differentially correlate with aggression at home and at school...

Prediction of transition from common adolescent bipolar experiences to bipolar disorder: 10-year study

Marijn J. A. Tijssen; et al
1º de maio de 2012
Although (hypo)manic symptoms are common in adolescence, transition to adult bipolar disorder is infrequent...

Preditores de não aderência ao tratamento na psicoterapia psicanalítica de crianças

Marina Bento Gastaud; et al.
7 de outubro de 2011
Recentes estudos do Lancet Global Mental Health Group demonstram que 30% da população mundial apresenta alguma forma de transtorno mental, o que afeta a funcionalidade do indivíduo e sua qualidade de vida...

Preferência musical e risco de suicídio entre jovens

Carlos Eduardo Pimentel; Valdiney V. Gouveia; Neliane Lima de Santana; Wises Albertina Chaves; Carolina Andrade Rodrigues
Considerando-se que vários estudos internacionais indicam que a preferência musical, especialmente pelo heavy metal, correlaciona-se ao suicídio, objetivou-se na presente pesquisa conhecer as relações entre preferência musical e risco de suicídio...

Prenatal and postnatal psychological symptoms of parents and family functioning: the impact on child emotional and behavioural problems

Henning Tiemeier; et al.
21 de maio de 2011
Although relations of various parental psychological problems and family functioning with child development are well documented, it remains unclear whether specific prenatal or specific postnatal risk factors are independently associated with child emotional and behavioural problems...

Prenatal exposure to tobacco and alcohol are associated with chronic daily headaches at childhood: A population-based study

Marco Antônio Arruda; et al.
16 de abril de 2011
The influence of prenatal events on the development of headaches at childhood has not been investigated and is the scope of our study. Of 2,173 children identified as the target sample, consents and analyzable data were provided by 1,440 (77%). Parents responded to a standardized questionnaire...

Prevalence and Clinical Correlates of Hypothyroidism in a school for Children with Mental Retardation

Shivani Jaswal, Jasbinder Kaur, BS Chavan, Seema Gupta, Harjeet Kaur
9 de setembro de 2012
Objective: Pediatrician is the first contact in the Pathway to Care in children with Mental retardation (MR). Following the recent advancements in the area of molecular genetics, understanding of specific conditions of MR or Developmental Delay (DD) is expanding. Hypothyroidism is a treatable metabo...

Prevalence and correlates of being bullied among in-school adolescents in Beijing: results from the 2003 Beijing Global School-Based Health Survey

Alice Hazemba, Seter Siziya, Adamson S Muula & Emmanuel Rudatsikira
3 de fevereiro de 2014
ullying has public health importance. It has been reported that both the victims and perpetrators of bullying are more likely to have suicidal ideation and other suicidal behaviours...

Prevalence of autism-spectrum conditions: UK school-based population study

Simon Baron-Cohen; et al
2 de julho de 2012
Recent reports estimate the prevalence of autism-spectrum conditions in the UK to be 1%...

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