Psiquiatra Infantil

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Childhood attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder as an extreme of a continuous trait: a quantitative genetic study of 8,500 twin pairs

Henrik Larsson, Henrik Anckarsater, Maria Råstam, Zheng Chang, Paul Lichtenstein
8 de outubro de 2012
Childhood attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder as an extreme of a continuous trait: a quantitative genetic study of 8,500 twin pairs...

Childhood Depression Revisited: Indicators, Normative Tests, and Clinical Course

Angus H. Thompson
5 de agosto de 2012
Childhood Depression Revisited: Indicators, Normative Tests, and Clinical Course...

Childhood eating disorders: British national surveillance study

Dasha E. Nicholls; Richard Lynn; Russell M. Viner
1º de maio de 2012
The incidence of eating disorders appears stable overall, but may be increasing in younger age groups. Data on incidence, clinical features and outcome of early-onset eating disorders are sparse...

Childhood maltreatment and coping in bipolar disorder

Ledo Daruy-Filho; et al
29 de abril de 2014
A personal history of childhood maltreatment has been associated with unfavorable outcomes in bipolar disorder (BD). The impact of early life stressors on the course of BD may be influenced by individual differences in coping skills. The coping construct relies on neurocognitive mechanisms that are...

Childhood Onset Schizophrenia: Clinical Features, Course and Outcome

Mamta Sood, Shivanand Kattimani
9 de setembro de 2012
Schizophrenia in children is diagnosed by using adult criteria. Based on the age of onset, patients with childhood onset schizophrenia (COS) are subdivided into those with very early onset (before age 12-14 years) and those with early onset (between 14-17 years). The prevalence of COS is reported to...

Childhood Psychopathology and Autonomic Dysregulation: Exploring the Links using Heart Rate Variability

Krishnamachari Srinivasan
9 de setembro de 2012
Changes in cardiovascular reactivity have been used as a psychophysiological marker of various emotional states in both children and adults. Recent decades have seen increasing use of heart rate variability as a non-invasive marker of cardiac autonomic function and of central processes involved in...

Childhood psychopathology at age 8 predicts antidepressant use by age 24

Gyllenberg D, Sourander A, Niemelä S, et al;
23 de novembro de 2013
Does childhood psychopathology predict lifetime use of antidepressants?...

Childhood Trajectories of Inattention and Hyperactivity and Prediction of Educational Attainment in Early Adulthood: A 16-Year Longitudinal Population-Based Study

Jean-Baptiste Pingault, et al
14 de janeiro de 2013
This longitudinal study of 2,000 children revealed that inattention, but not hyperactivity, is related to whether children graduate from high school....

Childhood Trauma Is Associated With Severe Clinical Characteristics of Bipolar Disorders

Bruno Etain; et al
19 de março de 2014
Patients with psychiatric illnesses more frequently report a history of childhood trauma compared to the general population...

Cinco variaciones y una coda sobre la historia cultural de la psiquiatría

Enric J. Novella
12 de agosto de 2014
Este artículo ofrece un breve recorrido por las principales coordenadas en las que cabe situar la azarosa invención de la psiquiatría en el tránsito del siglo XVIII al XIX...

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