Psiquiatra Infantil

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Cause for alarm? Youth and internet risk research – a commentary on Livingstone and Smith (2014)

David Finkelhor
2 de junho de 2014
If you have spent any time with young people in the last 10 years, you know how enthralled they are by the electronic technology. But if you review the research on youth and technology, the themes are mostly about danger and distress...

Cenni storici della Psichiatria Evolutiva e nosografia

Paolo Migone
6 de setembro de 2006
Questo testo parla solo marginalmente di Autismo, ma è stato inserito ugualmente nel Sito perché concordiamo pienamente con la premessa del Prof. Paolo Migone; inoltre si parla diffusamente della classificazione psichiatrica americana (DSM) e di quella dell'OMS (ICD), oltre ad essere scritto molto...

Central auditory processing outcome after stroke in children

Karla M. I. Freiria Elias; et al
20 de outubro de 2014
To investigate central auditory processing in children with unilateral stroke and to verify whether the hemisphere affected by the lesion influenced auditory competence...

Challenges in Developing Novel Treatments for Childhood Disorders: Lessons from Research on Anxiety

Daniel S Pine; et al
1º de abril de 2013
Alterations in brain development may contribute to chronic mental disorders. Novel treatments targeted toward the early-childhood manifestations of such chronic disorders may provide unique therapeutic opportunities. However, attempts to develop and deliver novel treatments face many challenges...

Child and adolescent mental health interventions: a review of progress in economic studies across different disorders

Jennifer Beecham
2 de junho de 2014
Resources for supporting children and adolescents with psychiatric disorders continue to be scarce. Economics research can identify current patterns of expenditure, and help inform allocation of treatment and support resources between competing needs or uses...

Child and parental literacy levels within families with a history of dyslexia

Elsje van Bergen, Peter F. de Jong, Anna Plakas, Ben Maassen, Aryan van der Leij
8 de outubro de 2012
Child and parental literacy levels within families with a history of dyslexia...

Childhood abuse increases the risk of depressive and anxiety symptoms and history of suicidal behavior in Mexican pregnant women

Ma. Asunción Lara; et al
11 de agosto de 2015
To explore the relationship between individual and co-occurring childhood sexual, physical, and verbal abuse, prenatal depressive (PDS) and anxiety symptoms (PAS), and history of suicidal behavior (HSB) among Mexican pregnant women at risk of depression...

Childhood adversities as risk factors for onset and persistence of suicidal behaviour

Ronny Bruffaerts; et al
1º de maio de 2012
Suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide, but the precise effect of childhood adversities as risk factors for the onset and persistence of suicidal behaviour (suicide ideation, plans and attempts) are not well understood...

Childhood adversity and certain mental health disorders are associated with increased risk of incident drug use among adults

Harrington M, Robinson J, Bolton SL, et al;
23 de novembro de 2013
Are sociodemographic variables, childhood adversity or mental health disorders associated with incident drug use in adults who report no prior drug use?...

Childhood and young adult-onset depression are associated with similar psychosocial risk factors

Shanahan L, Copeland WE, Costello EJ, et al;
23 de novembro de 2013
Do child-, adolescent- and young adult-onset depression have distinct risk factors and is their effect time limited?...

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