Psiquiatra Infantil

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Transtorno de Estresse Pós-Traumático (TEPT) na infância e na adolescência e sua relação com a violência familiar

Maiara Pereira Cunha; Lucienne Martis Borges
21 de outubro de 2014
O presente artigo, de natureza teórica sobre o Transtorno de Estresse Pós- Traumático (TEPT) na infância e adolescência, tem como objetivo apresentar observações que enfatizam os seguintes aspectos: prevalência do TEPT na infância e adolescência, relação da violência familiar versus TEPT e comorbida...

Aspectos psicológicos do uso patológico de internet

Ivelise Fortim; Ceres Alves de Araujo
21 de outubro de 2014
O objetivo é compreender a vivência do uso patológico de internet (UPI), a partir do autorrelato de usuários que se declaram "viciados de internet". É pesquisa qualitativa, sendo um estudo documental, transversal e retrospectivo...

Temporomandibular disorders and eating disorders: a literature review

João M. C. N. L. Aroucha; et al
21 de outubro de 2014
Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and eating disorders (ED) affect function and parafunction of the oral cavity and have high rates of medical and psychological comorbidity. However, little is known about the possible associations between them, and few studies have investigated the existence of such...

Mothers who were sexually abused during childhood are more likely to have a child victim of sexual violence

Luis Eduardo Wearick-Silva; et al
21 de outubro de 2014
Recurrent exposure to childhood sexual abuse (CSA) seems to be higher among victims of sexual abuse. In this sense, experiences related to sexual violence can perpetuate within the family context itself in various ways. Here, we investigate the association between being exposed to CSA and having a...

Translation and adaptation of the Child Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory (cPTCI) to Brazilian Portuguese

Beatriz de Oliveira Meneguelo Lobo; et al
21 de outubro de 2014
Experiencing a traumatic event is a risk factor for the development of mental illness, especially posttraumatic stress disorder. A child's appraisals of a traumatic event may play a prominent role in the development or maintenance of the disorder...

Patterns of non-medical use of methylphenidate among 5th and 6th year students in a medical school in southern Brazil

Rodrigo da Rosa Silveira; et al
21 de outubro de 2014
To evaluate the prevalence of methylphenidate (MPH) use among 5th and 6th year medical students, to discriminate MPH use with and without medical indication, and to correlate MPH use with alcohol intake...

Dysfunctional family environments and childhood psychopathology: the role of psychiatric comorbidity

Suzielle M. Flores; Giovanni A. Salum; Gisele G. Manfro
20 de outubro de 2014
The study of the association between specific characteristics of family environments and different types of psychopathology may contribute to our understanding of these complex disorders and ultimately inform therapeutics...

Tourette's syndrome and associated disorders: a systematic review

Bárbara R. Ferreira; J. L. Pio-Abreu; Cristina Januário
20 de outubro de 2014
Tourette's syndrome (TS) is a developmental neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by multiple, brief, recurrent, nonrhythmic movements and one or more vocalizations called tics...

Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Temperament & Personality Questionnaire into Brazilian Portuguese

Lucas Spanemberg; et al
20 de outubro de 2014
The Temperament & Personality Questionnaire (T&P) is a self-report instrument designed to evaluate personality styles overrepresented in patients with depression. This report briefly describes the translation and adaptation of the T&P into Brazilian Portuguese...

Validity and reliability assessment of the Brazilian version of the Faces Pain Scale-Revised

Claudia L. E. Charry; et al
20 de outubro de 2014
The Faces Pain Scale-Revised (FPS-R) is among the most commonly used measures of pain intensity in clinical and research settings. Little evidence exists about the Brazilian version of this scale...

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